There is only one other Rugby Union competition in Australia where the Women's prize money equals the Mens, and to see women on equal playing fields AND at grassroots level is pretty cool and hopefully is the 'new norm'.
Eight Recruitment have become a sponsor of the Mick ‘Whale’ Curry Memorial Rugby Sevens to be held 14 and 15 February 2020 at St John Oval in Charlestown.
Steve Barretto played Rugby professionally in Ireland and the United Kingdom before moving to Australia where he and Nadene had three children. The Barrettos have been strong supporters of Rugby in the Hunter.
“Rugby gave our family a kick start. Steve continues to be involved at Club level playing and now coaching while our children each play within local competitions. Rugby is such an important part of our lives but we also recognise that it is also such a great facilitator of community spirit,” Nadene said.

“As a business owner, I also understand how important corporate support is for all sport. It’s almost 2020 and to have a competition where there are differences in prize money based on gender, it just not okay. I am incredibly pleased to support this event recognising one of the region’s Rugby legends.
“This is the right time for us to be enabling parity for women in sport. Women should be able to make a professional career out of Rugby and with two young daughters who are heavily in the sport, this is something that I am very passionate about.
“I am really thrilled that my eldest daughter hopes to play professionally. I also love that their younger brother is taking our daughter’s passion for rugby seriously and that brings them close together"
“There is a role for business to help sport provide better pathways into professional sport and we are thrilled to be part of the competition in February,” Nadene said.