Eight Recruitment's Managing Director Nadene Barretto, was asked to participate as a speaker and Q&A panel member at Newcastle Grammar School last week with the focus of the conference being, “Me, We…Us” and what an experience it was
NGS are introducing Year 11 to a strengths-based Year 12 mindset and focusing on the positive psychology principles of positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment (PERMA.)
The speakers were to discuss times in the personal and business lives where they had to dig deep, and have a growth mindset, discuss challenges, grit, flow, gratitude, resilience, optimism, positivity, deliberate practice and mindfulness.
Now... Nadene isn't a fan of public speaking, but it is something that she is keen to get better at and thought it would be a good lesson for the young students to learn, - face your fears and to "Do one thing every day that scares you".
She thought she had it all under control... as cool as the other side of the pillow.... until it was her turn, then the mouth turned into a desert and she felt like she was spitting sand !!!! The 15-minute speech was very quickly sprayed out in around 7 minutes – but she did it and believe it or not… the kids loved it and the feedback was worth the nervous trembles.

From everyone, the message that the Year 12 experienced was a microcosm of the wider world and struggle is inevitable but exciting. If we celebrate our strengths, support others, make connections and truly appreciate the value of the journey then we will be on our way to flourishing. There is enough love in the world for everyone.